

Seasons One

1A. Dog Gone - This is the very first episode of CatDog.
Like all the other episodes of CatDog, Dog chases
the Garbage Truck that goes around down all the time,
and also the Greaser Dogs chaseing after CatDog.
Cat hates when Dog chases the garbage truck, and
the greaser dogs chasing after him.
Not only that, Dog bothers Cat in lots of other ways.
Like waking Cat up while still sleeping, Dog eating too fast
and giving Cat the hiccups, and I could go on with more.
Cat gets ticked off, so now he wants to take a vacation.
By himself!!!

1B. All you Can Eat - In this episode, Dog goes to his
favorite restauraunt "Taco Depot". But when they try
to go inside, the manager "Rancid Rabbit" doesnt let them.
Because they have been banned. Since the last time
CatDog went to the resteraunt, Dog "ate it all".
I dont think Dog understood the term "all you can eat"
that doesnt mean you can eat it all.
But Dog does it anyway.
Anyway, CatDog tries getting in the resteraunt.
They sneak in with their friend Dunglap
who is the cashier there. But then
the manager catches CatDog in the place, and kicks
them out. But now CatDog is mad because they paid
and didnt get their service!!!


2A. Flea or Die - CatDog goes to the beach one day to meet
some hot gals, CatDog meet two girls, and offer CatDog to play
volley ball with them. And of course, Dog goes crazy if he sees a ball.
The ball is thrown out on the beach, and like always, Dog chases it.
But while chasing the ball, Dog passes a beach rat covered with fleas.
The fleas of the rat spot catdog and say its a "two for one special"
so they move of CatDog.
Now CatDog has fleas, they go to the doctor, and the doctor
provides a flea belt or flea bath.
The flea belt is tacky, and ugly, and Cat hates it.
But then again, Cat doesnt want the bath because cats hate
So Cat takes the belt, and everyone starts laughing at them.
Now Cat gives the belt to Dog, because he hates the look of the belt.
But then Cat starts getting all the terrible fleas.
So Dog gives Cat the belt, and then Dog gets fleas
and wants the belt back.
And then this goes back and forth, and on and on, until
the flea belt is worn out.
So they go back to the doctor and take the bath.
Then at the end, is a big suprise, that cat cant stand!!!

2B. CatDog Food - In this episode. Cat wants to get a job
to make some money. Cat kinds a job in the news paper for
cat food taste testing, which means..CATS ONLY!!!
Cat applys for the job, and is given it. So Dog has to stay
out of the way. In the middle of a plate of food Cat eats, Dog
wants some to eat. So Dog asks the boss of the company
for more of the plate cat was eating, and now the boss
is figuring out "a dog that likes cat food?".
Strange but true, so now the boss makes a new food
product called "CATDOG FOOD" which is for cats and dogs.
So now CatDog is popular, but will that popularity go away by
Cats ego?


3A. Full Moon Fever - Its that time again, in every dogs life.
Thats right, full moon fever. Every month, a full moon comes out
and all Dogs go into they're wilder side. Thats definetly what Dog did.
It all started when the greasers were playing squirell football.
And when Cat wanted to save the squirell, Dog wanted to help too.
But when Dog grabbed the little critter, his wilder insticts kicked in
and threw the so called "ball" out to the greasers.
Then when the full moon came, Dog changed!! And he wanted
to become a member of the greasers. But he had to pass a few tests.
He passes them all, but now Cat has to have a plunger over his head to make
it look like a tail. Will Dog allow this to happen to his own brother?
And will Dog join the pack?!!

3B. War of the Catdog - CatDog is having a party!!
Their family is coming over, and at every reunion.
They have a tug of war competition that nobody participates in.
And of course, CatDog always wins!!!
But then Cat got a little greedy and claimed the trophy for himself.
But then Dog said it was for both of them.
And thats when all the labeling started.
Cat starts labeling everything for himself.
And so does Dog!!


4A. Shriek Loves Dog - I must say this episode is histerical!!!
In this episode, after cat has been given
his daily beaten from the greasers
Winslow points out how Shriek always goes easy on Dog,
and beats up Cat. And how she looks at Dog with those
goo goo eyes of hers. So Cat plays cupid, and decides
to make Shriek and Dog a couple so Cat's beating days
were over. But what Cat notices is that its only the beginning!!!

4B. Work Force - Anyway, this episode is about how CatDog
has a job for a cereal company which produces "kavity krunch"
and their position is box licking, which is what most of the company
has. But the boss of the company likes Dogs accuracy with
box licking, and promotes him to be a prize stuffer.
Then later on he's good with that, and there are the top 3
prize stuffers in the company, and the boss makes him
#1. But then the postition gets to his head, and makes him
feel like he's the boss, and he's of course...#1!
And Cat and the other box lickers, and even the
other prize stuffers cant stand anymore of Dog's
ego for #1 prize stuffer.


5A. Diamond Fever - Oh man, was this a great episode.
This episode was about how CatDog find diamonds
under their house. And of course, Cat loves expensive
things, so he wants to search for more!!!
And of course, Dog wants to play with his. So CatDog
goes underground, and digs for more.
There are millions of them!!!!
But when Cat and Dog both get their share of diamonds.
They suddenly notice that some of them are missing.
And they both blame each other for taking their diamonds.
But in the end, the gopher in the beginning that
was scampering through Cats garden ate one of the diamonds
and it turned out to be Rock Candy instead.

5B. The pet - Dog scampers through
the garbage one day and finds a hopeless little
roach with one arm less then he's supposed to have.
Dog wants to help him,and keep him as a pet, and take
good care of him.
Cat refuses to have him as a pet, but then Dog begs
all day and then Cat finally says ok.
But only until the roach is ok again.
When the roach is ok, Dog begs cat to keep
the roach. And once again, Cat says ok.
But in between the more days the roach stays
Cat is disgusted, and wants the roach out of the house.


6A. The Island - CatDog are going on vacation.
They use a bike on the highway to get to the airport.
Dog is peddling, while Cat is driving, but not really
driving, he is actually reading
to brochure to the place they are going to.
Anyway, they miss the airport and get stuck on
on a so called highway island.
And how CatDog survives, they eat the littered food
people throw, and Dog made from old garbage a little hut
with fake palm trees and all.
And so Catdog is doing good, until the food stops being
littered, and now they are going crazy with hunger
And they try to go home.

6B. All you need is Lube - This episode was really
really good. The greaser dogs are all watching a ball game
behind the baseball field gate. And being Lube is the tallest
Lube has Cliff and Shriek on his soilders.
Now, a tick comes near lubes foot, and now lube has a whole
in his boot, and his toe is sticking out, so the tick bites him.
And Cliff and Shriek run away, being they dont want to be
bitten by the tick either.
CatDog comes along, and Cat takes the tick off lube.
Lube now is Cats so called " loyal servant"
And so Lube quits the greasers and goes with Cat.
And now Eddie follows the greasers around.
So Lube lives with CatDog now, and when being
Cats loyal servant, he goes too far and starts protecting him
For every little thing. Now CatDog wants to get rid of Lube.


7A. Party Animal - Cat is throwing a party for
all his friends, and doesnt invite Winslow.
So Winslow has a party of his own, and Cat isint
invited, but Dog is.
CatDogs good friends Dunglap and Mervis are invited
to Winslows party, but are being dragged to Cats party.
Cats party is very lame, and so Mervis and Dunglap
sneak out to Winslows.
And now its only Cat and Dog, Dog leaves Cat
for Winslows party, and now Cat is jealous
and tries to ruin Winslows party.
And get all his invited friends back to his party.

7B. Mush Dog Mush!! - In this episode, CatDog is
going sleding, and they find a poster advertising
an indiga dog race, and so cat and dog want to enter the race.
But then the greaser dogs put them down by saying they
cant do it.
So they enter the race too. And so Cat puts Dog into
some wrong training. Now Dog is tough.


8A. Armed and Dangeous - Cats pen pal friend Ingrid is coming
to visit Cat. Cat lied in his letters to Ingrid, and said he was
champion of a car race, a master chef, etc...and also he is
pretending to be a regular cat, by placing himself with a fake bottom.
When Cat is making a special meal for Ingrid, he tries getting pickles
out and his hands accidently get stuck in the jar.
He tries breaking the jar open, but it turns out dog got the plastic kind.
So Dog uses his arms for Cat, but once cat gets to the point that
that he lies too much, Dog stops using his arms, and calls himself
"dead weight".

8B. Fistful of Mail - Dog, the fastest Dog in Nearburg
chases all delivery people in the county, and rips a piece of their
pants off, with a picture of the event in action.
He claims he's faster then anyone,
but when a known from childhood
delivery person comes over. Dog gets proven wrong.


9A. Pumped - In this episode, The greasers steal
CatDog frisbee, and wont give it back.
Cat wants to get back at them really bad,
so he drinks this new drink that can make you develope
muscles. Cat hates the drink, so he excersises instead.
Dog find the drinks, and then drinks them.
So he gets all the bulk, so Cat trains Dog,
so he could show the greasers a thing or two.
But what Cat forgot to tell Dog, is that the drink causes

9B. Dummy, Dummy - This episode ruled.
You see, CatDog was going shopping one day, and Cat
notices how Dog never gets anything in his shopping cart.
So cat tells dog to treat himself good, so Dog find a 99¢
Stuffed animal Cat. And he names it lil' Cat!
Anyway, Dog and the doll bond very much, and cat
starts getting jealous, that dog isint paying any attention to Cat.


10A. Squrreil Dog - In the greasers plot to catch CatDog.
They try to attract CatDog with a girl catdog.
And Cliff gave lube directions, so when Cliff
said the word Glue, Lube would squirt the glue
on CatDog. But Eddie arrived, and destroyed
the girl catdog bait. Cliff said the
supplies of the bait to Eddie, and when Cliff said Glue.
Lube squirted it, and when CatDog ran past by,
Eddie got glued onto Cliff. And being
no two headed freaks are allowed in the greasers,
shriek and lube kick Cliff out.
And so Cliff goes to CatDog for help.

10B. Brothers Day - Brothers day is coming soon,
and Cat doesnt want to get Dog a gift because it always
blows up in his face. So Cat says their budget is low to Dog.
But Dog believes Cat is making a surprise, so Dog gets Cat a gift.
And then Cat suspects Dog of getting him something, so Cat gets
dog a gift.


11A. Escape from the deep end - While Cat is at the public
pool, life guard rancid rabbit is in charge, so he makes all these
rules up. Your not allowed to dive in the pool, but dog does it anyway.
And so CatDog is stuck in Pool Jail for a very long time.
They think of a way to get out.

11B. The Collector - CatDog is watching tv one day,
and Dog finds a commercial for mean bob action
figures. Dog wants a doll really bad, so he goes to the toy store to get one.
And when Cat hears Mean bob dolls are collectors items, he wants one too.
And so after the first, Cat gets all the mean bobs in the world.
But when he wants to sell his mean bobs finally, the toy store clerk
says that they are old now.


12A. Safety Dog - Cat gets fed up with Dog always
dragging cat around while dog is chasing something.
So in order for Dog to stop, Cat wants Dog to watch
a saftey video. But what Cat doesnt know, is that
the video tells how everything in the world is unsave
And isint your friend. So then Dog gets scared,
and starts having a saftey consiece lifestyle.
But Dog took in too much Saftey, and its up to Cat, to
make Dog go outside, chase things, and feel free
again, and also tell Dog that everything isint
going to hurt him.

12B. Dog come home - Cat gets fed up with always
taking care of Dog and treating him like a puppy, and
says he wouldnt last one day without him.
Dog doesnt believe it, so he proves Cat wrong
by moving out.


13A. Nightmare - In this episode, CatDog is watching
a horror flick. And after the movie, Dog is scared
that the monster in the movie will come after him.
Cat tells Dog its all fake, but Cat starts believing
once he see's the trace of toothpicks that
"toothpick head" (the monster in the movie)
left. So they want to get rid of the monster once and for all.

13B. CatDogPig - Cat is tired of doing what Dog always
wants to do. So Cat wants to attach another person
to him, so that they could all vote on what to do next.
Cat has interviews for certain people, and chooses one
that he says is perfect.
But it turns out he is wrong. Then later on in the episode,
Winslow adds more people, and once again, Cat is
upset with the results of what they all want to do.
So then Cat adds more members, and then it turns into
a disaster, what will happen next?


14A. New Neighbors - In this episode, Dog is reading
a comic book that shows how little old ladies
move into a brand new house, and are aliens.
But while reading the comic, Dog notices how
their next door nieghbors are old ladies
and are moving into a brand new house that looks
exact to the house in the comic book. Dog is a afraid.
But Cat doesnt believe any word, so he wants
to go over to the house and see whats really going on,
And show dog nothings going on.

14B. Dead Weight - CatDog is walking down the street
one day, and Cat wants the Ingrid twins to go out with him.
But they only date stars on tv and movies. So Cat sees a
television show, that shows incredible people, and Cat wants
to go on the show. So the next day, the tv people come to catdogs
house, Cat tries to wake Dog, but its no use, he won't wake up.
And so Cat needs to go on with the show while Dog is sleeping.
And they have to be perky, what will Cat do now?


15A. Neferkitty - In this episode, Cat tells Dog a story
about how Cats were worshipped in Ancient Egypt.
And how Dogs were slaves.
And in the story, Cat has to build a pyramid for
Pharoh Rancid, so he could die in it.
And of course, the slaves build the pyramid, and once
its done, it comes out in an unsuspected twist
when Cat is expected to be the next pharoh of Egypt.

15B. Curiosity Almost killed the Cat - Cat starts a diary
and Dog tries to read it. But then Cat tells Dog that
Diaries are personal. So Dog starts his own Diary, but then
Cat loses his self control, and reads a page.
Winslow catches the reading on tape, and so he is
blackmailing Cat, and Cat is supposed to be Winslows
servant for a week.


16A. Home is where the dirt is - Gopher is rummaging
through Cat's garden again! And Cat wants to catch him.
Dog doesnt want to bother, but when he catches the
little rodent stealing his bones, he goes crazy, and wants
to catch him. In fact, both Cat and Dog want to
catch him, but Gophers slick cleverness outsmarts

16B. New leash on life - Cat cant stand Dog running around
and dragging him around, so he lies to Dog and says that their
is a new leash law, and that Dog must wear a Leash or Dog will go
to the pound. But in the end, Dog and many other
Leash wearers are in for a big surprise!!!
I must say this episode was really good, good job Peter!!!


17A. Just say Cat sent ya - Uh-oh. Dog's favorite
snack has been banned from Nearburg
because its processed in Farburg. And all the Dogs
of Nearburg are mad, so CatDog goes to a
Farburg store, and gets some "farburg burger bones"
For the Nearburgians of Nearburg.
But what everyone doesnt know, is that Cat is going to sell
them for a pretty penny.

17B. Dogs strange condition - CatDog enters
a pecan pie eating contest to win a wide
screen color tv. And of course, the eating machine
Dog is, he is one of the challengers.
And of course, Dog wins, but while riding their
bike home, Dog feels weak, and wants to see a doctor.
Dog grows a tree out of his head, a pecan tree!!
And when they visit the doctor, the doc says
Dog has pecanidas. And to pay the bill,
they give away their tv.
And to get it back, Cat sells tickets for a
side show, starring Dog.


18A. Smarter than the average Dog - CatDog is creating
a flying machine for the invention covention, and Dog isint doing
any good helping out, being he is kind of slow at learing something.
So Cat gets educational videos for Dog to "learn everything".
The next day, Dog is learning very much.
But at night, Dog watchs all the tapes (about 70 something tapes)
and watchs all the taps 7 times!!!!
Then in the morning, Cat finds how Dogs head is
getting larger and larger everyday.
Then Winslow points out, how Dog is consuming most
of Cats intellgence. What will happen, if Dog takes
his whole brain?
BUM BUM BUM!!! ha ha. :o)

18B. CatDog doesnt live here anymore - CatDog is tired
of getting beaten by the greasers, and tricked by Winslow.
So they take a vacation for about 2 weeks.
But the greaser dogs and Winslow dont know that.
So they trash the place, and talk about what they did to
CatDog in the past. But then in the end, they start
to miss him, and start thinking about how they wont
see him ever again. Then they feel sorry for what they did.


19A. All about Cat - Cat wants to star as the main character
"Abe Lincon" in a musical version of "Abe Lincons" history from
birth to when he became president. But when Cat auditions, he fails
to win the part, but when Dog comes on stage who isint auditoning.
The director asks for Dog to read some lines,and the director
is astonished by Dogs acting, that Dog gets the part.
So Cat is upset.

19B. Trespassing - While CatDog goes to the store
to get some things for Cats big pay-tv special, Dog
finds a hydrant on the way there, and puts his special scent
on it, on their way back from the store, Dog goes to the
hydrant one last time, but stays there, because he smells
another dogs scent, and wants to catch the
"criminal at the scene of the stink"
This was a very creative episode, and I LOVE IT!!!


Thats a wrap for season one.
Go to season two for more
CatDog Goodness!!!
Click Here to go.

Or Click Here to go back.
